Month: July 2021

Why Order a Custom Mala from Creative Empath?

Do you have an idea for a mala, but can’t find exactly what you are looking for?

This is a common plight of mine—I can “see” what I want in my mind, but when it is time to shop, I often can’t find my ideal product.  If this is a problem that you are running into while looking for your perfect mala—we can help! We can work together to create your ideal custom mala. I would love to work with you to bring your perfect mala to life. Some of my favorite, most unique pieces are those that I created as custom pieces.Custom chrysoprase, rhodochrosite and moonstone mala

One customer requested a custom mala with a unique combination of peach moonstone, aquamarine and Angelite. Another customer requested a combination of bright green chrysoprase, rhodochrosite and moonstone. I wasn’t sure how it would come together, but it was beautiful! Another customer wanted black and white Dalmatian jasper, strung on blue cord, with a bright purple tassel. I was pleasantly surprised once more.

How do you go about ordering your custom mala?

Contact me! Visit the Creative Empath Etsy shop, and send me a message, letting me know exactly what you are looking for. So that I can help you best, please make sure that you include as many details as you can. What size beads would you like? What beads should be included (including a guru bead)? What order do you want the stones in? What color tassel did you have in mind?

Not sure where to start?

Custom Dalmatian Jasper MalaCheck out my overview of my favorite stones, and their unique powers, here: Choosing Healing Crystals to Support your Intention 

Then, with this information, I can price your custom mala, depending on the price of the beads. Some beads, like Celestite and Kunzite, are much more expensive than others (like obsidian). Once you agree to the pricing and purchase your piece, I order your custom stones and tassel materials. The entire process can take 1-3 weeks, depending on what I have in stock.

The entire process is fun and rewarding—I really love helping create the malas that my customers have envisioned. And I look forward to creating something special for you too!


Turquoise Love: We love this beautiful, powerful stone

creative empath turquoise malas

Take one look at our inventory and it will be no surprise that we love, love, love turquoise. Once I created my first turquoise mala, I couldn’t wait to create more.  Turquoise is a special stone in many different cultures, for many reasons. I like to think of this stone as a “Jack of all trades” stone, in that it has so many different uses and strengths. Growing up in Colorado, turquoise was everywhere we look. And, throughout school, and learning about indigenous populations, I knew that this stone held great value to indigenous cultures. I have always been intrigued. You will see, throughout our inventory, a variety of different types of turquoise, from Peruvian, to African to Boulder Creek. I am partial to this gorgeous, subdued hues of Boulder Creek Turquoise.

Healing Power

Turquoise is known to be a stone of purification and balance—energetically,  but also for the physical body. This beautiful stone can help you to purge yourself, or your surroundings, from negative, harmful energies. At the same time, it helps you to find balance in your physical body, allowing you to purge toxins, and heal from infections of all types.

As it helps you to find balance, this stone can be useful for those who experience anxiety, severe stress and panic.  Instead, it helps us to find our deepest sense of calm.

Our Turquoise Pieces

Creative Empath offers a series of different turquoise pieces, including malas, pocket malas, bracelets and earrings, all which offer these properties. Be sure to check out our store for our current inventory.

See our full inventory of malas, bracelets and earrings here!

Explore our full line here!

Custom Malas Available! If you have something in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out for custom pieces! We love working with you to create the jewelry you have in mind! Visit our Etsy Store to learn more about commissioning a custom mala to meet your unique needs!


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