About Us

Our Story

I’m and empath, and a creator.  As a child, I spent time creating with anything I could find…clay, beads, crayons, paper, embroidery floss. Anything.  And that passion continued on into my teen and adult years.

I have long suspected that I am an empath. In my journey to cope with the anxiety that accompanies my empathic abilities in a natural, more holistic way, I discovered the power of healing crystals. I have found that using these malas, with such powerful stones, can really help to magnify the power of meditation, affirmations and intentions.

As I make each mala, I set the intention of peace, love, manifestation and protection for the recipient. Creating each piece is a meditation in itself. Once complete, the pieces are cleansed using sage, and charged using natural light, before being sent to you. I make these malas.

Outside of Creative Empath, I am a devoted wife, mother and teacher. I am constantly working to grow, change and evolve through reading, learning and trying new things. My goal is to create beautiful jewelry to help you in your spiritual growth journey, too.


Love and light.



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