Choosing Healing Crystals to Support your Intention

It is important to choose the appropriate healing crystals to support your intention. But, if you are anything like me, when you first began to explore the world of healing crystals, you may have been overwhelmed. Which healing crystals should I have? Where should I put them? What should I do with them? What IS my intention? Ahhhh! Choosing the best healing crystals to support your intention can be really overwhelming. And this can be especially daunting when trying to choose the best mala for your meditation journey.

There are over 200 different healing crystals, and the list is constantly growing. So, how do you figure out which crystals and stones to choose?

I have spent hours upon hours researching to find an answer to this question. And the answer is…it depends. Of all of the resources I’ve read, and the data I’ve compiled, I realize that nobody really agrees as to which crystals are best for what. Don’t get me wrong, there is some agreement in regard to some healing crystals and stones, and their power. Obsidian, Jet, Tourmaline and Onyx are great for protection. Blue Lace Agate, Angelite, and Sodalite are great for soothing anxiety. Lepidolite, Kunzite, and Amethyst are useful for emotional healing and ease.

I’ve taken my data and put together a sort of “cheat sheet” for you, based on the common answers I’ve found, across resources.

After completing all of this research, and after participating in a number of forums on the topic, my final conclusion is this: Each gemstone or crystal can have powerful healing capabilities, and some are far better for certain purposes than others. But, at the end of the day, I’ve found that the most important thing to consider when choosing healing crystals for you is to listen to your heart. If one stone really calls out to you, then that is stone for you.  Perhaps it is your soul’s way of knowing what you really need, even if you may not understand.

In my work I have found the following healing crystals to be the most powerful…for me:

  • Unakite
  • Kunzite
  • Dalmation Jasper
  • Sodalight
  • Peach Moonstone

And check out our Etsy store for gorgeous creations with these gemstones, intentionally created to support you in your intentions.

I recommend taking some time to peruse a gem store, or a gem website (especially while stores may not be easily accessible as I am writing this article).  Pay close attention to the healing crystals that you are really drawn to, and give them a try! You never know what you will discover!

Do you have questions or information you’d like to share? Comment below!

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