Healing Crystals to Support Your Fertility Journey

The decision to start a family, or grow your family, thrusts us into season of life filled with excitement, change, the unknown and, if you are anything like me, impatience. For some, becoming pregnant is a breeze. For others, it takes time, patience, and positivity. And for others, it can be a difficult, even painful, path.

How can healing crystals support the fertility journey?

In addition to more traditional tools, techniques and approaches to conception, you can also use healing crystals to support your fertility journey. These crystals can be used to help magnify your intentions, support your visualizations, and some can even work to balance and support our hormones and natural cycles.

My three favorite stones to support the fertility journey are milky white moonstone, unakite and rhodonite.


Moonstone is thought to be one of the most powerful stones in supporting fertility. Yes, it is the stone of love…but there is much more to it than that.  Moonstone has a powerful impact on the female reproduction system…from sparking one’s libido, to balancing hormones, to becoming more aware of one’s cycle. Keeping moonstone close while trying to conceive can be quite beneficial for each step of the journey.


Unakite is really powerful in eliminating obstacles and blockages that we might experience as we try to conceive. Unakite helps to eliminate or ground negative energy, which can often act as a stumbling block to pregnancy. It can aid in fostering a more positive mindset, and a belief in one’s ability to become pregnant.


Rhodonite is beneficial in creating mind-body harmony, supporting one’s conception journey. Unakite is thought to help prepare the uterus for conception and pregnancy. It is also thought to help foster self-love, and self-confidence, which is so important when trying to conceive, and our belief in our ability to do so.

Of course one cannot guaranty pregnancy with the use of this mala. But, use it frequently, in combination with meditation and other self-care practices, and it can support you along your journey, and magnify your desires and manifestations.

To take your experience further, consider combining your practice with essential oils, and powerful affirmations.

Essential Oils to Support your Fertility Journey

  • Clary Sage supports hormone balance (do not use this one during pregnancy)
  • Citrus oils can help to alleviate anxiety
  • Sandalwood
  • Geranium
  • Ylang ylang
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender

Affirmations for your Fertility Journey

  • My body is a healthy, safe vessel for creating and supporting life.
  • My body is balanced, fertile and healthy.
  • I am going to be an amazing mother.
  • I am healthy. My body is capable of creating a miracle.

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